Saturday, July 17, 2010

Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer

Redemptoristine Nuns and Redemptorist Missionaries throughout the world as well as this Hermit of the same spirituality celebrate on the third Sunday in July the solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Come, let us worship Christ the Lord, 
Redeemer of the world.

The feast of the Title of the Order and the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer "stresses those aspects of Redemption which lie outside the scope of history, namely the love of the Father who gave us his Son, and the love of the Son, giving himself up in our place." (Divine Office - Proper CSsR)

Mother Maria Celeste initially founded the Order of Nuns under the title of The Most Holy Savior. This was also the initial title of the group of Missionaries led by St. Alphonsus following the inspiration of M. M. Celeste when years later during the process of approval by Rome the title was changed from Most Holy Savior to Most Holy Redeemer because the former was already in use by other religious institute.

This picture of Our Savior was originally venerated by M. Maria Celeste of the Most Holy Savior and is cherished by her daughters to this day. It depicts the Savior, God Incarnate, Homo Viator, Jesus the Wayfarer dressed in the traditional colors in which artists have depicted the garments of Jesus and Mary: a red tunic and blue mantle. These are also the colors of the habit of the nuns, called to become living portraits of Jesus, resembling Christ in every aspect, including his garments.

Saint Alphonsus took the Rule originally written by Mother Maria Celeste under divine inspiration for the Nuns and adapted it for his group of Missionaries. But he didn't retain the colors for the habit of the men as intended by M. Maria Celeste. This is no surprise given that the red tunic is used in the Church by Cardinals, that is by the men who are the closest collaborators with the Pope.

Eternal Father, 
To conquer death and bring us back to life
You made your only Son Redeemer of humanity.
May we ever remember your kindness,
Cling to you with unfailing love, 
And so enjoy the benefits of your Redemption.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

May our Most Holy Redeemer bless our religious family with abundant fruits of holiness, and grant us many and holy vocations in fire with the mystical love of Venerable M. M. Celeste and the apostolic zeal of St. Alphonsus.

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