Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ascension of the Lord

After the ordeal of the Passion and death of Jesus, the disciples experienced the incredible shock of a fullness of life they could touch, see, talk to and with. This was called the Resurrection, that is, the same Jesus alive and living yet not the same but rather evasive and transcendent.

The Ascension is a further step into the Mystery. Now Jesus is no longer seen or touched but the learning of the Easter days remains: Jesus, the Christ, is alive and present, near, intimate, he is The Lord.

This new step is somehow familiar territory to the apophatic contemplative who remains like Mary (the Mother of Jesus) and with her praying in the upper room, holding in faith the emptiness of the senses and the ignorance -maybe the overwhelming void- of the mind.

Mary of Nazareth, Mary Mother of Jesus, holds the womb in which new life is being gestated, in which the transition will be possible to a newly born interpretation, understanding, and evidence of God's action and presence.

The Church will be born in Pentecost from the contemplative womb of faith.

The Contemplative Church enters again today in the Cenacle of prayer for a new birth of the Church in this time of history. Let us be the contemplative Church gathered in prayer, together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

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